ACC Modification

Purpose of the Architectural Control Committee (“ACC”)
The ACC was established through Article 15 of the Ridgeview Ranch HOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) as “…the governing body charged with using its best efforts to promote and ensure a high level of taste, design, quality, harmony and conformity throughout the Project…”  Article 15 further states that “No improvement shall be commenced, improved, altered, nor shall any grading, excavation, tree removal, landscaping or change of exterior color or other work which in any way alters the exterior appearance of an Improvement be done without prior written approval of the Committee.”
The ACC is a committee consisting of no less than three volunteer members, who are HOA homeowners, appointed by the HOA board who provide a system of review for the construction and/or modification of all improvements within the community.  Basically, an “improvement”, as defined in our governing documents, is ANY change to the exterior of any home or lot or HOA common areas. All exterior changes need to be reviewed by the ACC.   However, any replacement of “like with like”, such as repairing a fence with the same materials, replacing trees or plants with similar trees or plants, painting the exterior of your home the same color it already is, are considered maintenance items – not changes.  Maintenance items do not need to be reviewed by the ACC.
QUICK FACTS about submitting an ACC Application.
  • How long is the process
  • Where do I submit
    • Submit Application/Request via CiraConnect.
  • Who do I ask questions